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Editing Software: Sony Vegas Pro 12

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Chaos Chronicle Name: Terasite
Monster Squad Name: Terasite AND Terrurh
Xbox GT:Vide Terror OR Terrurh
Playstation GT: Terasite

We do not take any ownership of music displayed in this video.
Ownership belongs to the respected owner(s). Used under fair use policy.* Music used for entertainment purposes only

Tag: game monster squad, EPIC, CUBES, OPENING, MONSTERSQUAD, MONSTER SQUAD, SPECIAL, YELLOWCUBES, Monster Squad (TV Program), Monster Squad (Musical Group), Search Engine Optimization (Interest), Monster Squad – Cubes Opening Ep 3 (Red Cubes Special), TON, TONS, opening, CRAZY, REACTION, LEGEND, LEGENDARY, RED CUBES, REDCUBES, INSANE, STORE, EVENTS, MonsterSquad, Monster Squad, Crazy, Cubes, Opening, Episode, NEW, Monster, YELLOW CUBES, NaOTV, HOLIDAY CUBES, HOLIDAY CUBE, collosiron, elemental island, insane, Eldragon, Nightmare, end

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